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  • Tags: Events

Wedded Gays Face Legal Problems.pdf
"State law unfairly denies gay couples the right to legally marry, said Ruth Colker, law professor at Tulane University"...

Event to Discuss LGBT Marriage Equality.pdf
"The Chancellor's Commission for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender People is hosting an event on marriage equality"...

Asexuality Panel Aims to Spread Awareness, Educate.pdf
"'You just haven’t met the right person.' 'You’re just trying to make yourself special.' 'You mean you’re abstinent, right?' These are some of the statements Riki Higgins, a master’s student in special education, has heard about her asexuality"...

Race Promotes Social Diversity, Equality.pdf
"YWCA of Knoxville holds event to start movement"...


Around Rocky Top_ Transgender Day of Remembrance.pdf
Students gather outside the UC on Nov. 20 for “Transgender Day of Remembrance," which occurs annually, it is a day to memorialize those who have been killed as a result of transphobia and brings attention to the continued violence endured by the…

Speakers Debate Same-Sex Marriage in UC.pdf
"Despite different beliefs, debaters encourage students to respect each others' views"...

LGBT Center Provides Supports, Acceptance.pdf
"On Wednesday, Feb. 22, the OUTreach LGBT & Ally Resource Center threw an open-house party to celebrate its two-year anniversary"...

LGBTQ Rally Encourages Student Opinions.pdf
"Event uses artistic messages to promote expression of equal rights, sexual identity"...

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CCI Diversity Week Aids in Top 25 Goal.pdf
"The College of Communication and Information’s Diversity and Inclusion Week concluded last night with a festival in Circle Park"...


Panel Discusses LGBTQ Issues with Students.pdf
"Anmesty International at UT held an LGBTQ discussion panel Wednesday in the I-House Great Room as part of their second annual Human Rights Week."...
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